"Anthro-centric and Biophilic Connections to Our Collective Humanity"

: : OVERVIEW : :
As human beings, we have an intrinsic connection to nature; in truth, we are manifestations OF nature herself. Thus, it is beneficial for our physical, psychological and emotional health to maintain consistent connections to the natural world. In interior design, this has fostered the notion of "biophillic design," by which to provide environmental cues that directly--or by allusion--bring the natural environment into the "DNA" of the built-environment.
In similar fashion to this natural connection to our surroundings, our humanity is enriched by recalling the tapestry of cultural history by which we, as a species, have articulated our unique place upon the earth, and, perhaps , across the entire universe.
Our Mission:
The images available to see or acquire through this site are for the dual purposes of including photography among the design & decorative arts AND of instilling experiences of nature & culture into continuous moments of daily living--thereby, into a given individual's mind and mentality as well.